Monday, February 14, 2011

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Accidenti a San Valentino!

could relieve me from speaking? No, of course. Today is the anniversary. What you love or hate depending on your emotional status, which may or may not correspond to the civilian, and that drives us every year to decimate square kilometers of flowers, rivers of alcohol consumed, zillions of tons of food more or less aphrodisiac and esafantastiliardi of chocolates, mostly heart-shaped. (All those who advance on Valentine's Day, will be rapidly recycled packaging and less sexy if you spoon the mothers in May.)
But today ... ah, today is Christmas deprived of couples in love, or rather the couples to comply. Conform to the description given by the Western iconography of love. Today there will be those who falcidierà savings to buy a present that says "I love you" better than sweaty palms and shortness of breath (phase 1), the radiant smiles and somersaults on the bed (Phase 2) of coffee in the morning and caresses the neck (stage 3). There are also those who svenerà to buy a jewel to be offered as a pledge of eternal love. To them I would recommend you do not want at all costs "do it weird." Do not put the champagne flutes in brillocco of your beautiful to surprise her. We know of girls very nearsighted or very distracted (both common features of all true love) ended up at the emergency room for a scherzetto del genere. E per quanto una sia innamorata, non guarda più con gli stessi occhi un anello che ha dovuto evacuare. Né il partner che l'ha costretta a tanta ignominia.
Siate parchi. Anche nel desinare. Meglio pochi piatti raffinati, consumati mangiando con gli occhi il vostro Valentinide, che un tripudio di cibo che vi lascia boccheggianti e sull'orlo di un infarto gastrico. Non esagerate con l'alcol, un po' disinibisce, troppo appassisce. Ci siamo capiti, Xy?

Niente da fare. Non riesco ad essere caustica, oggi. Oggi la personalità schizzata predominante è la Zia Rosilde della Posta del Cuore di Confidenze. La verità è che per quanto abbia avuto San Valentini di ogni type and form, sometimes ignoring the pseudo-likelihood and feel good about this, today I feel half teaspoon of envy for those that tonight (and already this morning), some 'serious and a little' no, we are called or written, or done anything to reiterate that there is a special covenant with each other ... Blessed are you, guys.


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